The young single mother was set to appear as part of the school's Student Sexual Responsibility Week, and was to receive a fee of at least $15,000. But, a protest soon started against the use of student-generated funds to pay for Bristol's appearance.
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Scott Elman, the student advisory's president, claims that the decision was mutual between Bristol and the committee and he even admitted that he was disappointed at the students' backlash.
However, the university's students don't feel is it right to pay someone who's not a professional such high fees to speak at the school.
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A Facebook petition was even started by another group of Washington U. students where they further protested Bristol's scheduled appearance. Some of those expressions went even as far as to personally attack the 20-year-old daughter of the former Alaska Governor.
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“I mean, is Bristol honestly going to say that she was trying to make a baby and lay back and thought of england? Or that that she had sex, without understanding the steps to be taken in order not to become pregnant?”
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people are stupid